- Registration, declaration and procedures with tax and social organizations (Agessa, Social Security, Pole Emploi–employment Center, Tax Office, etc.) and administrations
- Banking and Insurance Relations (delegation and representation)
- Personal Assistant (making appointments and follow-up)
An administrative and financial management center dedicated to artists and stakeholders in the music industry.
Grants and Tax Credits
- Advice, implementation, constitution of the deposit files and follow-up with the organizations
- Tax Credit: Phonographic Production Companies and Live Performance.
Revenue and Tax Optimization
- Definition and implementation of the relevant legal organization
- Optimization of revenue sources and intermittency fees
- Optimization of social security
- Annual income tax return
- Tax audit assistance
Personal and professional investment
- Definition of the project, advice and specifications
- Constitution of asset
- Real estate investment (specifications, visits, negotiations, procedures)
- Research and installation of financing, refinancing, optimization